Our compassionate and respectful staff supports residents in their activities of daily living. We serve three healthy meals a day to suit individual dietary needs and preferences. Our medical professionals continuously monitor the health of residents and respond as appropriate. Certified caregivers are present 24 hours a day to assist with medication management, bathing and dressing, and housekeeping as needed. Our staff coordinates all health and rehabilitative services with outside healthcare providers and arranges transportation to and from appointments. Laundry and maintenance services are ongoing.
Paradise of Virginia is corporately committed to being a premier provider of respite and long-term health care for Veterans and others. Our new facility, Parade Rest, is being built adjacent to the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Salem, Virginia. We have a long-standing working relationship with the Center where our Veterans receive 98 percent of their medical attention. The convenience of our new location, for medical appointments, rehabilitation, and fitness facilities is unparalleled among assisted living communities.
Adjusting to a whole new environment and lifestyle can be both a relief and a difficult transition for our residents and their families. A variety of planned recreational and fellowship activities provides new residents many opportunities to relax and assimilate into our community. Our programs make daily life healthier and more enjoyable. The Paradise approach is crafted to make men and women who have served our country feel at home.